Monday, June 25, 2007

Fish - do give us a sufficiency! ^^

Ok, this is the ginger steamed fish I cooked yesterday. I kind of forgot to get the spring onions in terms of the colour of the presentation, it is a bit lacking. ;;^^ It's real easy to cook, with soya sauce, pepper, a bit of sugar and sesame oil. Steamed it first for about 20 minutes, then pour hot oil (cooking + a bit more sesame oil + sesame seeds) over it. Real quick to cook too!!! ^^

In terms of knitting projects, I haven't knitted much since I'm trying to catch up with my readings and korean dramas. ;;^^ Sigh...I really need to find a full time job though. :( I also need to call up for freelance jobs now that everything has ended. :P I feel a bit lazy but I keep telling myself no...I need to be more pro-active this time!!! Yosh~! ^0^/


shanwen said...

yay for proactiveness! your fish dish still looks good :)

jen said...

You should try it too! :) I mean cooking it...hehe